As I promised, I will now begin another giveaway because I reached over 50 followers!
YAY! *claps*
Up for grab are some new releases this year. Winner will get to pick 1 from the list below. If I get to 100 followers, I will add 1 or 2 more winners. (Depends how many people enter)
More books might be added too! Since July has some pretty amazing books being published.
Since i've past 150 followers, I will add 6 more books! If I can get 75 people to enter the actual giveaway, I will add another winner or the winner will get two (2) books!!
If I get up to 200 followers before July 30th, I will add books for pre-order!!!
**Contest Rules**
-MUST be a follower (the whole point of the contest).
-Leave a comment below saying which book you would like and your email.
-NOT international, unless you're willing to pay for shipping, sorry
-The winner(s) will be chosen using Random.org
-Contest ends midnight EST on July 29, 2010
See? Simple and fair :)
The books:
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
A Blue so Dark by Holly Schindler
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
A Blue so Dark by Holly Schindler
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson
13 to Life by Shannon Delany
Blood Fued by Alyxandra Harvey
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala
Blood Fued by Alyxandra Harvey
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
Betrayal (Immortal) by Gillian Shields
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
Betrayal (Immortal) by Gillian Shields
Comment on THIS post and say which book you would like and remember to include your email!Have a suggestion on a book I should add? Let me know :)I will try to announce the winners by August 1, 2010. (My birthday is the 3rd, so I will do it as soon as I can!)
If you entered before I added the new books, don't re-enter. I will email you if you win and you can tell me which new book you would like.
Oooh...thanks for this! I would love Infinity...or Shade! Thanks again!
Congratulations with the 50+ followers! :D
I love to win Insatiable or Shade. :)
I would like to read infinity.
I'd love to win Clair de Lune. Thanks for holding this contest, and congrats on 66 followers!
I would like to win Insatiable.
I would like Glimmerglass.
Congrats on the followers. I would love to read Shade!!
Congrats on the followers! I would love to win a copy of Insatiable by Meg Cabot.
Thanks for the contest and congrats on the followers. I would like to win Insatiable or Glimmerglass.
I'd love Claire de Lune or Glimmerglass!
My email is amanda@farmgirlwrites.com
Thanks for the contest! I would have to choose Infinity! My email is jeremywest91@gmail.com
Ooo! I would love Glimmerglass!
Congrats on 50! I owuld love Claire de Lune!
Congrats! And you're past 75 now too!
I would like A Blue So Dark.
Great book choices! Would love Infinity.
I am a follower!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Yay! Congrats!! I'd like Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon!
Congrats on 50 followers!! I would love to read A Blue So Dark.
I am a GFC follower and I would love to win Insatiable by Meg Cabot!. Thanks!
Oh wow, great contest! I would love Glimmerglass! Thanks!
Ooh great contest! I'd like to enter for a chance to win Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
I'm a follower.
You can email me at: rowena@thebookscoop.com
And I think I'd like Glimmerglass! And I'm a follower :)
I'd like Glimmerglass, thanks! I'm a follower
chichai_hana at hotmail dot com
I would like to read either Insatiable or A Blue So Dark
I would like Infinity!
I am a follower so please follow me back!
Email: ashleycsy_09@yahoo.com
Check out my blog and giveaway:
**PLease sign up for my giveaway...low entries**
Happy Reading!
-Ashley C.
I'll just say A Blue So Dark because I have two of the books.
I'd like to win either Shade or A Blue So Dark!
Forgot the email!
harmony357 (at) live (dot) com
Claire de Lune would be my top pick, and then Insatiable. I haven't heard of the others, though Glimmerglass looks good, too...Claire is definitely my top pick, but I am SO not picky--these all look GOOD!
Thanks for the contest!!!!
Forgot the email. Woops. ricettebunny@live.com
Congratulations Khelsea!! Now you've got 119 followers! You're doing so good!!
I would love Insatiable! It's my top pick, second pick would be Glimmerglass. I am dying to read both of those.
I would love Glimmerglass!
Wow, awesome contest! I would like to read Claire De Lune.
jessbess2505 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love to receive Shade
Congrats on reaching 50, now 120+ followers:)
Thanks for holding this contest, I would love to win Glimmerglass:)
blue so dark
I'd love GLIMMERGLASS, please!
Thank you so much for being so generous in your giveaway.
angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com
Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I've already read and loved a couple of these books, so I'd like to win Insatiable.
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
Great contest! I am a follower and would love to read Insatiable
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Amazing contest! I would love any of these novels! Insatiable, Infinity... ANY OF THEM! Wonderful choices!!!!!
Emma Michaels
I like your blog!
I would love to win Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
it was a very tough call, but i would like shade! thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
I would be happy with any of the YA books, which means everything except Insatiable. If I had to pick the top two, I would go with Shade and Glimmerglass.
Thanks for such a great contest!
ahoffman1979 at gmail dot com
A Blue So Dark by Holly Shindler :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Claire de Lune
I would like any one of these books! But, if I had to make a choice, I'd have to go with Insatiable by Meg Cabot.
Glimmerglass or Infinity! Both are great
sgalley65 at yahoo.com
I would love Meg Cabot's book, I am reading it right now and loving it...but all I have is a library copy, I would love my own!
I'm a GFC follower
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
OMG decisions, decisions! If I win......I'd pick......Insatiable.
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
I'd love to win Glimmerglass by Jenna Black or
A Blue so Dark by Holly Schindler!
would love to win glimmerglass or claire de lune
email: tinadudley at sbcglobal.net
I would LOVE to win a copy of Shade!
I think I was just follower 151!
I would love a copy of Claire de Lune!
ferretvamp14 [at] live [dot] com
Congratulations on the success of your blog. I have really enjoyed it! Thanks for the contest.
claire de lune
great contest
satiable by Meg Cabot
Awesome contest!
Hmm, I would pick A Blue So Dark.
Would love to win Claire or Dark Flame. Great giveaway.
wow thanks for the giveaway..i would love to win any of the book but specially
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
13 to Life by Shannon Delany
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala
I would love to win Shade or Linger. Thanks for the great giveaway! :D
It would be awesome to win Glimmerglass or Infinity! Thanks (: ! I'm actually from CAN so just let me know about the shipping costs!
dark_illuzion (at) msn.com
Oh wow! Thank you for this contest! I would like to win 13 to Life. Thank you for your time!
-Jessica T.
Congrats on your followers.
I would love Dark Flame, both me and my daughter are waiting to read it.
Awesome contest!! Congrats on having so many followers. Hope you get more.
I would love to read Blood Fued by Alyxandra Harvey
I am a follower.
Congrats on gaining a lot of followers. I've had my blog for 8 months and I only have 46 Followers.
Anyways I'd love to win Tell Me a Secret.
It'd be amazing to win Infinity or Claire de Lune. Thanks for the great opportunity!
My email's jfieldst(at)smith(dot)edu
I would like to win "Insatiable" by Meg Cabot... My email is astrid_triatlon@hotmail.com.
Thanks for this contest, honey! =D bye bye xoxo!
I'd really love to win Tell Me A Secret or Glimmerglass.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Sophia Lee
Thanks for the giveaway. These all sound like great books! I would love Infinity.
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! I would love Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala! =)
angelgirl122193 (at) aol (dot) com
I am a brand new Follower! :) Thanks for the giveaway! These books look great! I would choose either "Tel Me a Secret" or "Claire de Lune"
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Most of the books sound great, but I think Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon would be my first pic.
Thanks for the giveaway!!! So many great books here!!! I would have to choose Shade as my first choice!!!
Hmm, these are all awesome books! It's so difficult to pick! After much thought, though, I'd probably choose A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler. I've heard lots about it.
Oh and I'm from Canada, so yeah. :D
Oh wow! I would love Linger by maggie stiefvater.
I am from USA.
Name: Mena
Email: phanem123@gmail.com
Congrats on the followers!
I would love Betrayal (Immortal) by Gillian Shields
Donna S
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I'd love to win Glimmerglass by Jenna Black!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
These all look pretty great, but I think I'd like Shade. Thanks for the contest!
basicallyamazingbooks [at] gmail [dot] com
Great giveaway <3 Congrats on the followers, and a very Happy Birthday to you!
I like Claire de Lune. It’s been in my tbr pile for a whiiile.
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